Sunday, June 21, 2009

Houzan Mahmoud: Religious superstitions, laws and customs are a disgrace of the 21st century

Houzan Mahmoud: Religious superstitions, laws and customs are a disgrace of the 21st century

The shameless stoning to death of the young girl in Iraq and the oppressive atmosphere of Iran has me convinced that religion has had its day. Centuries ago when man was filled with fear and dread, religion arose on the earth. Being innately unable to understand his existence, he created a great, invincible god. Since its origin, it has separated mankind from mankind across the globe.

Houzan Mahmoud couldn't be more correct in her assertation that religion, its laws and superstitions are a disgrace in this day and age. While man's brain has developed to the degree that he has split the atom; creating a definite means to end all life; still his beliefs about a supreme being who is in charge of all things is back in the dark ages. Could it be that all this religious hoopla is the means by which man escapes his necessary responsibilities[?] In too many countries it the means by which religious zealots murder, control and oppress the people.

I believe we live in a time that religion and its trappings are being openly and honestly examined by the worlds thinkers. Being that it has an airtight grip on so many, it will surely not be an easy thing to dismiss. With all due respect to those who penned the bible and surmising the fears they lived under; today it all resembles witchcraft. It's so amazingly simple that it would be humorous were it not so serious. When asked by a friend why I had no belief in god, I replied that if man hadn't created god, we'd know nothing about him.

The study of philosophy should be introduced in every school, everywhere. At high school graduation students should be able to think past the end of their noses. Any youngster sent from schooling into the big world should know the art of logic and reason. The youngsters in today's free world learns little of the plight of the unfree world and less about the health of planet, Earth. The idea of consuming less, spending less and wasting less will be a hard lesson for much of our youth to swallow.

The human has yet to grasp the concept that we are our brothers keepers and that anyone who lives and breathes, as we do, are our brothers.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Of all the pros and cons going on nowadays about president elect, Obama, I say give the guy a chance. He isn't yet in office and he's touted and the president who will bring about a military nation in America. Despite his promises for change he is accused of being wholly for Wall St. and not Main St.

Indeed, all of it may hold some truth but for christ's sake, let's not bury the man before he's dead! We're just coming out of eight years of the most disastrous excuse for leadership our nation has ever known. We should consider this fact before we start erecting the noose for Obama.